What is the function of a Notary?

It is common to walk down the street and see advertisements that quote: “Notary Public No. ###”

We all know that they serve as public servants, but do we know what they really do for us?

The Public Notaries of Mazatlán Sinaloa, like those from all over Mexico, can be described as follows:

Public Notaries are State officials whose primary responsibility is to help prevent fraud, serving as impartial witnesses who certify the authenticity of a document or act. These professionals manage affidavits, seal and sign legal documentation, attest to a legal act, constitute and register companies, issue powers of attorney and constitute trusts, and other instruments

Now, since we have a brief description of what a notary is, we also need to see when we need to contact someone. Therefore, we can see below the most common functions of a notary.

Most common functions of a Public Notary:

  • Drafting wills, mortgages, and other legal documents.
  • Process affidavits or affidavits:
  • Interview the speakers to verify that they understand the procedure for the legal document they are requesting.
  • Prepare affidavits, affidavits and other documents established by applicable law.
  • Verify and certify the validity of the signatures contained in the documents and serve as an impartial witness, in order to prevent any type of fraud in public or private matters:
  • Authenticate notarized documents, adding your signature and sealing the pages, in order to attest that they were presented to you in your office at the time of the signing of the speakers.
  • Provide guidance to applicants before proceeding with the authentication of documents.
  • Verify the identity of the attendants or applicants by properly reviewing their identity document.
  • Ensure that applicants are aware of the specifications of the agreement and ensure that the signatory is not being obliged in any way to proceed with the signature.
  • Report any incident, such as potential fraud, as soon as it occurs.
  • Certify any legal document as a true copy of the original.
  • Keep track of notarized documents and ensure they are in the correct order for public reference.
  • Have access, by establishing contact with the issuing entity, to the necessary legal documentation and related elements:
  • Keep your seals and security paper properly protected.
    • Be aware of any developments or changes in applicable legislation.

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